About us
TANDEM, n.o. founded in 2009 is a training and development organization, which through its work with individuals, communities and organizations aims to strengthen their self-esteem and sense of responsibility in Slovakia.
TANDEM is an acronym name, every letter has a special meaning in Hungarian represents our values:
T(udatos): conscious
A(lternatív): alternative
N(emformális): non-formal
D(inamikus): dynamic
E(mberközpontú): anthropocentric
M(egerősítő): affirmative
TANDEM’s expenses and functioning costs are covered using and applying for funds offered by the EU, the state and local government agencies, or private foundations. A significant source of revenue for the organization over the past few years was 2% of the income tax originating from donations, support from individuals and legal entities, as well as the actual revenue from orders. TANDEM wants to maintain this model of standing on various legs. The organization is situated in Dunajská Streda with an office, including four full-time staff members, who operate TANDEM's organizational and administrative tasks.