"The Euroguidance network (www.euroguidance.eu) is a network of centres linking together the career guidance and counselling systems in Europe. Euroguidance promotes mobility, helping guidance counsellors and individuals to better understand the opportunities available to European citizens throughout Europe.
The idea of the Cross Border seminars came into existence in 2005 as an initiative of the Euroguidance centres of three neighbouring countries – Austria, Czech Republic and Slovakia. The main objectives were not only joining EG centres and their cooperation in a common activity but also organising meetings and networking possibilities for practitioners and policy makers from the fi eld of guidance from the cooperating countries. During years of organising Cross Border Seminars more countries have joined this initiative. The Cross Border seminar through this way became an event involving the majority of Central European countries.
This year, on the 10th anniversary the Cross Border Seminar 2015 entitled Guidance Crossing Borders addressed borders that might exist in the field of guidance and invited to learn about, to discuss and to further develop ways to overcome.
In the Compendium are collected publication of national surveys and workshop articles is based on the responses of the national surveys and articles from experts who led workshops relating to the Cross Border Seminar organised in Retz, Austria."
One of these publications is written by our colleague, Molnár Kriszta. The article is about learned helplessness, especially in the age of high school students (14-18) concerning to the questions of career.
The whole article is avaliable on the official weside of SAAIC (Slovenská akademická asociácia pre medzinárodnú spoluprácu).